Divine Contact
Author: Losara
United States Price: $19.95
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What would you do if you could suddenly hear, and speak for, the Holy Spirit of God? This is what happened to Losara eighteen years ago, when a spontaneous out-of-body event transformed her into a psychic medium. As a collection of real-life events and encounters with Divine Spiritual Forces, this book answers some of the questions her clients (and perhaps you) have had about life’s puzzles and problems:
- “Is a past-life responsible for the problems I am having with my spouse?”
- “Why did my business partner betray me?”
- “Can my mother really see me from heaven?”
- “Why doesn’t God solve my problems?”
Deeply inspiring, and often humorous, these stories highlight Losara’s adventures during her Divine Contact with Departed Souls, Spiritual Masters, and the Cosmic Consciousness. Be prepared to open your mind to grand, soul-lifting concepts! Although these readings can be very personal, they apply to every person on the planet, as Universal Truths are given to help ordinary people in an extraordinary way. As a psychic medium for over 18 years, Losara has given thousands of spiritual readings from Divinely-channeled sources to individual clients and groups seeking answers and higher spiritual awareness. Divine Contact will make you laugh, cry, and remember that the Holy Spirit is as close to you as your very breath.
How does one contact Losara if they wish to seek her out for her services?