Sometimes You Have to Say “No” to Whit!
Author: Kathy Dufresne
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Finn learns that there are times when his dog, Whit, must be told “no.” His parents expand this lesson to when Finn, himself, must be told “no” as well. This amazing children’s coloring story helps teach not only colors, numbers, words, and life lessons, it also teaches how to take care of our pets and treat them kindly. Reading this book with your child is a great way to spend quality time together, and incite questioning and conversation with them.
Armed with this knowledge, you have a wonderful opportunity to share the joy of reading and learning, while being able to teach valuable lessons. Reading, talking, and doing simple activities is so important for child development which helps children become “reading ready” for school.
Kids-Win, Inc is a non-profit organization that provides free printed materials. This coloring story was written to ensure that “all kids are ‘reading ready’ when they enter kindergarten.” Kids-Win is determined to help kids in unique ways!
Although, this book is offered for postage-only, donations are graciously accepted at:
Kids-Win, Inc.
510 Riverside Ave.
Stevensville, MT 59870
Thank you for supporting our children’s futures!