Guts & Glori(a) (From Fear to Eternity)

Fear and its motivating propaganda has consumed our minds and emotions through this pandemic. These simple spiritual principles are a “rope of hope” to tie to your heart so you don’t get lost in the maze of darkness that surrounds us. From my heart and home, to yours – this gift can begin a positive […]


Dear Global Family, Good news! Amazon downloaded the Revised Edition of AS GOD IS MY WITNESS a day early and it is now an Amazon E-Book, available to the public. I am attaching a PDF “Global Peace Movement” for your awareness. If you support the message to stop the global sexual war against humanity by […]

Open Line Newspaper Review, February 2016

Total Truth & Lies (Ultimate Freedom for the Soul) By: Mother Hope “It’s time to clean house concerning rape and abuse. Total Truth & Lies offers tools for prevention and recovery, as well as addressing the ravages of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Grab your flashlight, a broom, and the dustpan as we shine a spotlight […]

Total Truth & Lies – Updates

Note from the Publisher: We have been asked by several readers who the real author is.  We would like to announce that Miracle Publishing & Distribution, LLC promotes HOPE, not an individual.  The message is paramount, and we have received several comments from readers of abuse and rape that Total Truth & Lies is of […]